About the project
Gobiz is an app that is a part of Gojek that was designed to be used by our merchants from receiving order, managing their outlets to seeing their transactions.
Previously, we have launched the self serve onboarding flow for merchants to register themselves to Gobiz that only covering the case of individual merchants . Whereas for a corporate merchants, we’ll direct them to the onboarding flow on our website. But with that current flow, users will have too many touch points from the website, email to the Gobiz app itself, before eventually completed the process.
Therefore, this project is mainly about designing new onboarding flow that will cover the need for corporate merchants while addressing the pain points that exist from the current onboarding.
What is my role?
As the only product designer for the project i was fully responsible for the whole designs, including creating all the users flows and user interface by using existing Gojek’s design system. However, i still got help from the UX writer and illustrator for finalizing the contents and assets.
Who are the users?
Since this project is only targeted to corporate type of merchants where it will be mostly handled by a manager or any assignee, their ages can range from late 20’s to above 45’s with medium to high tech savviness.
What are the goals?
To allow corporate type of merchants to be able to onboard to Gobiz through Gobiz app by themselves and provide equal better experience as the current individual merchant.
Who far is the scope?
Modify and adopt the current individual onboarding flow to enable us to capture corporate specific data points for registration process.
What we are solving?
Lengthy and complicated experience for corporate type of merchants to onboard and finally using Gobiz app.
The design processes
Our current conditions
The current individual onboarding is divided into 3 main steps. However, This project will focus on modifying the registration step only to enable us to capture the required data and documents without making too much changes, hence we could efficiently release the feature.
Filling up and submitting the required data & documents.
Validating merchant’s data & documents based on our KYC process.
Product activation
Activating Gojek products that merchant has selected to opt in through certain processes.

As we've looked into the existing flow, i have defined few paint points that we should address with this projects

Setting up
initial requirements
Succes metrics
Increase number of corporate merchants that have submitted their registration through GoBiz.
Reduce the time taken for corporate merchants to be approved by KYC.
Increase corporate merchant satisfaction for onboarding experience.
Proposed business flow
The flow below is combination between all aspects that require to run this new onboarding including business, technical and operational.

Required data points
The purple highlighted texts show the additional data needed for corporate merchant case.
Create users
Owner name
Owner phone number
Owner email
Company information
Company name Company type
Business permit type
Business permit number
Business permit document (upload file)
Business tax number
Business tax document (upload file)
Other company specific documents (upload file)
Product selection
Available products
Descriptions & TnC
Director identity
Name Email
Phone number
Identity card or passport photo
Identity card or passport number
Place of birth
Date of birth
Bank information
Bank name
Bank number
Supporting document of account name discrepancy
Assignee’s identity (if selected)
Power of attorney letter
Identity card or passport photo
Identity card or passport number
Outlet information
Outlet name
Business category
Postal code
Outlet’s contact number
Outlet’s email
Address Location (map pin point)
User’s story mapping
Select merchant
As the owner/manager or other registrants
I want to be able to select correct merchant type for registration
So that i can provide correct information needed
See required
As the owner/manager or other registrants
I want to be able to see list of documents that will be required before starting the registration
So that i can find and prepare all the document before hand
Fill required data
As the owner/manager or other registrants
I want to see complete guidances when fill up the data
So that i can correctly input the data to minimize any further resubmission or rejections cases
Upload required
As the owner/manager or other registrants
I want to see complete guidances of what and how to upload a documents
So that i can correctly upload the documents to minimize any further resubmission or rejections cases
Overall user’s flow
One of the major difference of this corporate onboarding flow is there will be 2 different roles that can do the registration. That is either as an actual business director or the corporate’s assignee.
However, the rest of the journey will be the same as the individual onboarding flow where it start with account creation > fill registration form > T&C agreement > KYC > product activation until they are ready to use GoBiz App.
Final UI design & screens
Since the initial individual onboarding was design and build with previous version of our design system, therefore with this project we would take the chance to improve the UI by using our newest version of design system.
Setting clear expectations
Before users start, it is important to let them know about the processes, estimated time and requirement to give them clear expectation and be able to prepare what’s needed.
Hence, i provided some introduction screens containing clear steps of the processes, how long each of that will take and what are the requirement that can be prepared before they can actually start the registration.

Account creation
The design include multiple layers of instructions into some basic components such as input field and navigation bar to guide users to fill the required information correctly.
Some difficulties in contacting users are found in the current individual onboarding that’s caused by inactive email & phone number. Hence, this designs tried communicate further about the usage of email & phone number, as well as provide confirmation to highlight that email & phone number will be our contact points.
Filling up registration form
There will be different number of forms that merchant need to fill up based on the registrant type. As an error recovery, user can still change the selected registrant from this page.

Director's identity
From existing individual onboarding, many resubmission cases have happened because users didn't upload the documents properly. Hence, beside providing the guidelines every time users about to upload a photo, i also designed in-camera helper to let user know when the picture is good to be captured.

Company information
Since this form is used to capture some of company legal documents that might contain different specifications for each of that, i need to make sure that merchants can upload it correctly.
To do so, the design provided some informative drawer as users tap on the upload button and before actually uploading the documents.

Outlet information
It’s important to make sure that users can provide the appropriate and correct information, to do so we created specific guidelines and structures for the users to follow. Hence, we can prevent further resubmission or even rejections for the merchants.

The rest of the forms
There rest of the forms will be using the same logic and components as those above. Where if there is certain specifications or rules, the design will make it clear to users, and provide as much as confirmation for very important information provided.